Montana Board of Funeral Service

Our services are available through remote delivery.  We are available to assist customers through our online public portal at EBIZ.MT.GOV/POL (Professional and Occupational Licenses) and EBIZ.MT.GOV (for Permits). For other services, please contact us via email at DLIBSDWEBHELP@MT.GOV or by phone (406) 444-6880.

Welcome to the Montana Board of Funeral Service

The Board of Funeral Service makes every effort to include on this website all relevant information pertaining to the licensing and regulation of morticians, mortician interns, mortuaries, crematory technicians, crematory operators, crematories, and for-profit cemeteries in Montana.

License Renewals - Fees are Abated
Renewal fees for all Funeral licensees are abated this renewal period, beginning May 3, 2025. Licensees must still renew by July 1. The renewal fee is $0. Licensees that renew after July 1st will be charged the regular renewal fee plus late fees.

You can renew your license starting May 3, 2025. Late fees from prior renewal periods and other status fees may apply during the abatement period.

  • As of July 1, 2023, under SB 244, mortician interns are no longer required to have passed the national examination in order to qualify for a license. For specific details of the law you can see the language by visiting this link. This change allows current students to serve their internship at the same time as completing their education. Applicants must be enrolled in or have graduated already from a qualifying program under board rules. If you have questions regarding the bill or need assistance with applying for a mortician intern license, please reach out to department staff at (406) 841-2359.

    Last Updated 8/3/23
  • The mission of the Board of Funeral Service is protect the health, safety and well-being of Montana citizens through the regulation and oversight of funeral industry professionals and facilities.

    The board licenses morticians, mortician interns, mortuaries, crematory technicians, crematory operators, crematories, and for-profit cemeteries.

    The board makes every effort to include relevant and current information pertaining to licensing and regulation on our website.  Please contact us if you need additional information, or to provide comments on how we can improve the website.

  • Here are a few tips to facilitate the application and licensing process:

    • Online applications are the most efficient application method and allow you to upload your own supplemental forms directly into your application at any time.  Click the button to go to our Online Systemto out online system to create an account and begin your application. Paying the fee triggers the beginning of the staff review process. Be aware that to verify authenticity, some documents such as exam results, transcripts, and background checks must be sent to the department directly from the source and cannot be uploaded by the applicant.
    • Start your application as soon as possible. People who are about to graduate should submit applications prior to graduation. Applying early will facilitate the licensing process.
    • If you have submitted an application call 406-444-6880 to check on its status.
    • E-mail any questions on licensing requirements to
    • Make sure your address and e-mail information are up-to-date. You can update your information at any time by logging into your Online Account
    • E-mail is the board's primary form of communication so a current e-mail helps ensure you stay current on board information.

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